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How to Stay Safe While Traveling in Myanmar
Staying safe doesn't mean that you're traveling to an unsafe place but it means that you conduct yourself in such a way that you maximize your personal security and safety regardless of where you go.
This is true when traveling to Rome, Italy or London, England or in this case Myanmar.
Keep the following tips in mind so you enjoy the exotic charms of Myanmar without getting your expectations dashed or coming home with a bad taste in your mouth about this Southeast Asian hidden travel gem.
Venture Out With a Tour Group When going traveling, whether checking out Bagan, exploring the exotic temples of Yangon or taking in the precolonial splendor and grandeur of Mandalay, you need to travel with a group of people preferably with your tour group along with your tour guides.
Usually, regardless of where you're traveling, whether that's in Europe, America or Asia, when you're in a tour group, you are less susceptible to crime or other hazards because there's security in numbers.
Moreover, since all of you are traveling together in a group you're more likely to look out for each other.
Travel During Daytime Hours Most crimes occur during nighttime hours, that's why it's crucial that you arrange all your activities to be during daytime hours when traveling in Myanmar.
Ideally, you should travel why it's cool.
Just like any tropical Southeast Asian countries, Myanmar can really hot and humid especially around noon time.
It's a good idea to gather and get the group together at the break of dawn, head out and check out the sites, hit the local restaurants and enjoy yourselves before noon time.
This way, it's still relatively cool and you enjoy the security of being out in broad daylight.
Focus on Common Tourist Spots When Traveling in Myanmar By basing your travel itinerary on locations that are geared towards travelers, you gain an added measure of security because these places already expect tourists and made provisions for your safety and security.
Compare this with traveling to a spot that is quite remote and is unfamiliar to tourists and travelers.
In that particular situation, you might just be opening yourself up to all sorts of hazards and security issues.
It's much better to focus on common tourist spots but at the same time truly enjoying the local attractions.
This means you don't have to visit tourist traps but you can still enjoy a truly fulfilling and satisfying exotic travel experience.
Nothing spoils a trip worse than security and safety issues.
Maximize your enjoyment of Myanmar by following the basic tips above.
These tips aren't rocket science but they're pretty much common sense.
Unfortunately, in the rush to explore, appreciate and enjoy such an exotic travel treasure like Myanmar, common sense can sometimes be quite uncommon.
Keep these tips in mind to truly enjoy a memorable Myanmar travel experience.
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