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How to Write a Good Online Dating Message
Before a person sees your picture, or visits your profile, the first thing that they will notice is your message.
Are you funny? Boring? The same as every other message? Are you talking to them directly or is this another one of your mass emails to hundreds of other women? Is this someone I want to spend my time on? All of these things can be determined by your online dating message.
Here are a few tips to help you stand out of the crowd.
Have a sense of humor.
Even if you're not a funny person, try to be anyway.
Humor is a universal attractive switch.
Think about it.
If you have the choice of being with someone who has a sense of humor, and someone who doesn't, who will you pick? Exactly.
Just remember to keep it obvious that you're joking.
Telling a girl that her outfit reminds you of something your grandmother would wear online isn't the same as saying it with a smile offline.
So, save the questionable teasing for later, but do try to make her smile.
Do not compliment them on their looks.
As a guy, one of the worst things you can do is compliment a woman about her looks right off the bat.
Your attitude should be that beauty is common, and that you're interested in her as a person.
The same holds true for you women.
Talking about looks in an initial online dating message comes across as being vain, or worst, only interested in sex.
Instead, compliment them on something they're wearing, and if you can make it funny, even better.
For instance: I couldn't help noticing those sweet heart shaped glasses that you're wearing.
You know, I used to have a pair myself but they went missing a few days ago.
Oh my god, I just realized what happened, you stole them didn't you!? Write with confidence.
Lack of confidence becomes very apparent very quick online.
When writing a good online dating message, avoid all types of passive personality phrases.
Things like "Well, if you have the time, e-mail me back," or words like "hopefully, maybe, perhaps we could...
" These words convey a lack of confidence, and do you want to know what the biggest attraction switch is to people? That's right.
You could be the biggest geek in the world, but if you talk and act with confidence, people will find you attractive.
So, let that come across in your online dating messages.
Show them that you noticed.
Read their profile, look at their pictures, then include a bit of information about something that you noticed in your message.
For instance: Say how you're totally jealous that they lived in Europe for two years and that when you finally get to travel there, you're asking them for advice.
It's final.
They are now your European tour guide.
It's these types of things that let them know you pay attention and that you're different from all those other guys.
Have a good subject line.
This is important.
A good online dating message is not complete without a good subject.
Don't even think about making your subject "Hello.
" You know what happens with "Hello?" - Good Bye.
That's what happens.
Instead, make it stand out.
Make it about something in their profile and put a twist on it.
If we're talking about the person who lived in Europe, we can make it "Urgent: European Advice Needed ASAP" Have good grammar and spelling.
It just shows that you put effort into your message.
Spell check only takes a second and some people are real sticklers about it.
Don't ruin your chances over something so small.
After writing about all the things you have in common in a funny and personal way, make sure you have a closing question or observation that will entice them to respond.
For instance: So, when you're done being my European tour guide I will need advice on where to travel to next.
I'm thinking Japan.
How do you feel about Sushi? So there you have it.
As long as you follow these simple steps and put a little effort into it, writing a good online dating message isn't nearly as hard as it seems and best of all you'll notice your response rates skyrocket.
Visit http://datingageek.
com for more dating advice!
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