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Grow Dollar Store Sales With Hot-Selling Dollar Store Merchandise
* Proven hot sellers.
Finding the right products to add requires a good understanding of both your customers as well as the dollar store industry. These items come and go quickly. Be among the first to carry proven hot sellers and among the first to reduce your inventories as the market cool off. Your vendor reps and suppliers are often among the best sources for information about the next hot seller. Also attend trade shows, read industry publications and chat with other store owners about their ideas.
* Impulse Merchandise.
Once again knowing your shoppers and their likes and dislikes makes choosing the best impulse items much easier. Adding the right impulse items can create big sales increases for your store. Look to items such as reading glasses, sunglasses, jewelry, pens and other small items you can display in checkout areas first. Then expand to include flashlights, batteries and other more mainstream items. Rotate impulse items to keep sales growing.
* Check Stands.
When you start a dollar store build in as much display area as possible. After all this is a time when shoppers have made the commitment to buy, and adding an item or two will be very easy for some. Fill the checkout area with impulse items and other hot sellers. Rotate in newly arrived merchandise before it goes to its designated display area in the store. Finally add a few smaller, trinket-types of items to round out the offering. Then watch as your sales climb.
* Beverages and snacks.
When you start a dollar store it may be shocking just how much candy, gum, snacks and beverages you will be selling. Help build sales by prominently displaying these items. Make sure they are easy to see as shoppers walk into your store. Don't forget to make it easy for shoppers to pick up a beverage or snack at the cash register as well.
To success when you start a dollar store!
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