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Schools Do Not Teach Kids About Money
Amazing that something that so profoundly affects our entire adulthood is completely overlooked in most school systems.
That means your money education is entirely up to you.
And that you should take the money education of your children seriously.
Their ability to manage and grow money as adults rests on your shoulders! This is not meant to scare you, but merely to make you realize that if you don't think you have any money skills, that may actually be correct because you were never taught any! The extent of my training about money while growing up was hearing that "money doesn't grow on trees" and that I needed to get a good education and work hard.
Well, I did that and just like millions of other people, it didn't make me wealthy.
Just being educated and working hard does not make you wealthy.
The school system is designed to prepare children to become good employees.
Get good grades, go to college, write a good resume..
so you can get a good job.
Well, if you're an entrepreneur at heart, you don't want a job, you don't want to be "employed" and have no interest in working hard your whole life just to make someone else wealthy.
You're a maverick, a renegade, a "rock star" who is out to set your own financial limits on fire.
People like that don't get wealthy by playing by the rules.
So your mission is to educate yourself about money.
I'm not talking about learning how to balance your checkbook or developing a budget.
Of course you have to know that stuff - it's foundational.
I'm talking about learning how to use money to work for you, not the other way around.
Start with this book: "Rich Kid, Smart Kid" by Robert Kiyosaki.
He's the author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
" Both books are excellent, but the first one, although designed to help you teach your children, is actually a much better read - it lays it all out in a format that is completely understandable.
After that, get your hands on a copy of "The One Minute Millionaire" and read it cover to cover.
It will expand the way you think about money and its role in your life and your business.
Working harder and saving money will not make you wealthy, no matter how hard you work or how much you save.
If that were true, all those people working two jobs and squirreling away every dime they can would be millionaires.
They're not, and that should tell you something.
Your money education is entirely in your hands.
You can choose to ignore that and keep on hoping that it will all get better if you just work harder, or you can get smart now.
Choose excellence! Copyright 2010 Ann Vertel.
All rights reserved.
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