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What Are the Best Paths to Wealth Creation?
In many ways, the wealth creators of the present-day, have learnt and followed the lessons given to them, by the wealth creators of the past.
One of the major differences, however, is that the present-day wealth creators have the added leverage and advantage of technology.
It is, therefore, far easier for anyone to build wealth, today, than it was in the past.
Although all of the paths to wealth creation, I believe, are of equal importance, I will, however, be starting off, with the path of property.
Property, has always been a major tool, used to create wealth.
In the middle-ages, royalty used to own all of the land and "commoners" had to pay heavy taxes for use of this land.
Much of their wealth was derived from this.
Only the priests were allowed to own their land and were, therefore, exempt from paying these taxes.
This resulted, in much resentment towards the royalty of the time and caused the "commoners" to eventually revolt against the royalty, as was the case in the French Revolution.
As a result of this, royalty realised that they had to change, although, they obviously still wanted to protect their interests.
Royalty, therefore, decided to allow "commoners" to own their land and property, however, in order to be able to own their land and property, they first had to buy the land from the royals and seeing that the royals could ask whatever price they deemed to be "fair" for the land, their wealth continued to grow even larger than before.
Did you know that the words real estate come from the Spanish word "real", which means "royal"? Therefore, the direct translation of real estate, is "royal estate".
The reason being, is that the royals controlled the money and wealth of land, whether they owned the land, or not.
Today, although much has obviously changed, what hasn't changed, is that property is still one of the best paths, used to create wealth.
Another path, used to create wealth, is trading in valuable resources.
The merchants, in centuries past, traded in valuable resources and thereby, grew their wealth.
They were the first people to introduce loans and the interest derived from it, which eventually led to the present-day banking system.
The last of the paths to wealth creation that I will be mentioning, is of equal, if not more importance than the others and that path, is being a business owner, or owning a business.
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