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What If You Could Be God For a Day?
It would be a chaos rather than a cosmos.
However, for the sake of argument, let us see what a person would have to do to be God for a day.
Your first task would be to keep everything from flying apart.
Right now, God is keeping everything together.
Without God we would have no existence.
You would have to be holy.
You would have to have all wisdom and understanding of everything.
You would have to be everywhere all the time so you could always keep an eye on everything.
While you are watching over everything, you would need to keep good records of an unending amount of details.
You would have to be fair with everyone.
You would have to judge everyone with an absolute standard of right and wrong.
You could not be controlled by the actions and attitudes of others.
You would not be able to be a respecter of persons.
You would have to make sure the enemy did not get out of control.
You would have to be all powerful to control the spirit world and all the wicked people in this world.
This is just the start of what you would have to be able to do to be God for a day.
Who would like to step up and give it a try for a day? I sure am not going to volunteer.
Do we have anyone who would like to give it "your best shot?" Would you like to be crowned God for a day? This is your big day.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
What do you think? Are you up to the task? This appears to be the ultimate degree of insanity! A man with great understanding of God and His ways, a man after God's own heart, a king said centuries ago, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
" As foolish and insane as this may be, there are people who are trying to be a god or goddess over God and all that He stands for.
They are attempting to make their own rules and impose them on everyone else.
They have forsaken the God of their youth and wonder why nothing is going right for them.
It is time for us to come back to the real world and let God be God.
There is no way any of us can improve God's plans for us.
To allow God to rule over us is the most sane thing we can do.
Forget about the false concept of "separation of church and state.
" Our Founding Fathers meant for us to be "one nation under God.
" Our rights come from God.
They do not come from tyrants.
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