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Dodge Truck Transfer Case Torque Specs
- Torque the companion flange nuts to the transfer case assembly in second generation Rams to 165 foot-pounds.
- Tighten the bolts holding the drain plug to the transfer case assembly using 35 foot-pounds.
- Connect the drive shaft flange bolts to the transfer case assembly with 65 foot-pounds of torque.
- Torque the transfer case fill plug to the transfer case assembly to 35 foot-pounds.
- Connect the transfer case assembly to the 3/8-inch diameter transmission stud bolts using 33 foot-pounds of torque. Use 26 foot-pounds of torque on the 5/16-inch diameter stud bolts holding the transfer case assembly to the transmission.
Companion Flange
Drain Plug
Drive Shaft
Fill Plug
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