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How to find Free Flight Simulator Games on the Internet:
People looking for games to play on the net often spend quite a lot of money aquiring them, but, with a little bit of research it's possible to find a lot of games to play for free.
Many of these free games are to do with flight simulators. These can really burn your credit card up if you buy the top line games but if you simply type into your search engine - free flight simulation games - you'll be surprised how many results come through.
From there it's just a matter of downloading and saving onto your PC and then you've got access to it anytime you want to jump into the cockpit and feel like a little flight time.
Of course, the downloadable free flight simulator games are fairly basic, but still enjoyable all the same. For the best flight experience though you still are best to go to the main game simulation sites and spend money getting a full DVD set. These offer very powerful worldwide scenery and have up to one hundred aircraft plus to choose from and thousands of different airports that you can practice taking off and landing from.
Flight simulator games are by far the most popular on the internet today. Not only are complete learners, learning to fly on them but experienced pilots use them to brush up on their skills, or, just to have fun on. After all, even experienced pilots usually don't have access to jumping into a World War 11 Spitfire, or, say a 1907 Wright Brothers plane and they can feel what it's like to learn to fly a helicopter if they have never flown one before. The other amazing thing about flight simulator games is the total realism of the cockpit, plus on your PC you'll get to control your craft in scary changeable weather conditions.
If you've never had the chance or opportunity to be the pilot on a flight simulator game, whether it's free or a bought set, I highly recommend you try one as soon as you can.
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