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Some Killer Ways to Make a Sales Copy Convert Like Crazy!
They would want to grasp the information in the shortest possible time. So please be short, sweet and to the point. If it is 40 pages, then make sure you put that down in your sales copy. If you are offering resale or master resale rights to your product, do not forget to mention the parameters of such license in your sales copy, and also emphasize the benefits of these rights. In this way, you are telling your audiences that not only are they buying a product; they are also buying up resale rights to provide them with an extra income stream. One of the fears of your potential customers is that they may end up buying something which is already floating everywhere on the market, or something similar to what they have bought before. So if your offer is fresh, original and has never been released to the public before, then you must put this factor into your sales copy, because this can be a very critical selling point. The word 'exclusive' can be a great motivator for your audience. Tell them that your offer is not circulated anywhere else, and will never be offered anywhere else again after your campaign finishes. Your readers will feel compelled enough to consider your offer seriously. Yes, seriously. You are playing a psychological game here. Because deep down, everyone loves to be associated with a bad boy. Show your audiences that you had actually taken a 'no holds barred' approach, or even better still, show the 'I don't give a damn' attitude with your product you can visit There are some truths to a bad boy's words after all. It is a fact that testimonials can increase your profile and boost your credibility by leaps and bounds. Your potential customers would rather believe in someone else's advice, than to listen to your own words, because they prove nothing. After all, testimonials carry more weight and also some sense of objectivity. All you need to do is just make sure that you publish only the positive ones. In context of Internet marketing, bonuses have become a vital strategy.
This is because bonuses will not only instantly increase the overall value of your package; they also speak a lot about your ability to over-deliver. There are of course other ways to offer your product without any bonuses. Tell your audience that you are not like everybody who uses this same strategy just to jack up the product value, and chances are you will get more and better response. You should demand action from your prospects right from the start of your sales copy. Let them know that what you are offering really concerns them, and that they will miss out on something if they don't take the action now. Your calls to action should eventually grow more hypnotic and powerful, so that in the end, when you deliver your closing speech, they will have no other choice but to say 'yes'.