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The Do's And Don't Of Getting Back Together With Your Ex
Ensure You Give Your Ex Sufficient Time
You need to give your ex and yourself enough time to cope with the breakup before opening discussion for a get back. Don't be in a haste. It is not advisable to make moves immediately after the breakup as the timing may not be right. In fact you may still have lingering issues unresolved which has to be addressed before you get back together. Rushing to get back together without resolving the issues will still create problems in the future.
Engage In An Open Discussion
Find time to engage in an open discussion with your ex. You need to discuss different issues ranging from reasons why you broke up and the resolution to ensure a better relationship. Talking is very essential as it will help you fix the problems of your relationship. It also creates a good atmosphere for a get back as your discussion may open up memories, for example the good times you've had together.
Avoid The Use Of Mind Games
Never attempt to adopt the mind game strategy to get your ex back. This will lead to more problems. For example, trying to date someone else to make your ex jealous will often lead to more problems because your ex too might go ahead to date another person to spite you too. This will ultimately spoil your chances of getting back together.
Never Be Too Pushy Nor Possessive
Being pushy or being too possessive will send a wrong signal to your ex and may ruin your chances. Remember that the final decision lies with her so don't make her feel uncomfortable. Give her enough time and distance to make the right decision by weighing her options properly. Don't forget that you guys have broken up and she's not accountable to you.
Approach The Whole Process With Utmost Sincerity
Be sincere in your decision to get your ex back. Remember that it's not only your feelings that is involved, her's is involved as well. It will hurt terribly to get back together and break up afterwards. So be honest with yourself that you truly want her back.