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Job Interview Question: Why Should We Hire You?
- Trained interviewers will quickly be able to glean the sincerity of an applicant's answer, which must be straightforward and honest. The response should clearly indicate reasons why the company represents a good fit, while referencing all relevant skills, goals and ambitions. Companies generally look for employees who can bring value to the bottom line, rather than who can talk the best game. Concrete, positive responses are always best.
- Job applicants with previous experience that is directly pertinent to the present position will invariably have an advantage over novice seekers. Employers ideally look for candidates whom they do not need to train extensively and who can hit the ground running. The interview represents the suitable time to discuss the job and how it dovetails with similar experiences. Detail is critical at this point, as platitudes and generalities will not get an interviewee past the front door.
- No matter what the position, job seekers should make their goals clear when asked this signal question. Dedication and personal work habits help, but going a step further to discuss true ambitions elevates the interview process. Whether the interview is for an executive position or for a cashier job on the front lines, interviewers appreciate potential employees who are not content to sit back and wait for paydays.
- Often the way an applicant comes across is just as important as the answers provided. Interviewees should take care not to let conceit or pride enter the picture when answering this question. Instead, the best approach is to be calm and quietly confident. Potential employees who sweat during the interview and squirm at questions are unlikely to respond well when confronted with daily job pressures.
Previous Experience
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