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Tips to Get You One Step Closer to Publishing Your Work
Publishing can be seen as the last part of the writing process.
It is also usually the hardest part in the process for writers new to the profession as well as probably any writer that is not a well-known one.
While there are many publishers out there, not many are willing to take risks by publishing a fairly new writer with no prior experience.
In this new age that thrives on technology, getting in touch with publishing houses is made easier.
Instead of snail mail, your work can get to many editors with e-mail.
There are quite a few things you can do to stay in the know of exactly what kinds of books are being published and what kind of writing is in demand.
You can subscribe to monthly newsletters from the various publishing companies.
If you have a certain subject of expertise, it would be good to check that these publishers do publish things on that topic.
Also, look at books in the same genre and style and check which publication put it out.
Then, make contact with these publishers and send them your work.
Hiring an agent can help facilitate communication between you and the publication world.
With these tips, it would make your break into the world of publication easier but find out as much as you can about an agent or the publication interested in publishing your work before you make anything official.