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What Are the Dangers of Osteoarthritis Drugs?
These drugs are useful in combating the painful swelling and inflammation of osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects over 20 million Americans.
Most of the sufferers are women over the age of 50.
Causes of Osteoarthritis There are many causes of osteoarthritis.
These include a previous injury to the joint, being overweight and age.
In this condition, the joints are attacked as the cartilage deteriorates.
Inflammation sets in around the joint making them stiff and painful.
People who suffer from the pain of osteoarthritis usually will go to the doctor for some type of medication that can relieve this pain.
Doctors have a choice as to what to prescribe.
In some cases, where the pain is acute, they may go with pain medication.
This can take the edge off of the pain, but is not meant to be used on a regular basis.
Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis The doctor may also prescribe a muscle relaxant as osteoarthritis drugs.
These, too, are not meant to be taken regularly and should only be used when the pain is intolerable.
Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis want to continue to lead productive lives and want osteoarthritis drugs that will allow them to go to work and about their daily lives without pain.
For the long run, the doctor will usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.
These can be taken more often to control the condition and do not present the addictive properties that are found in pain killers and muscle relaxants.
But all of the osteoarthritis drugs are not without harmful side effects.
Even over the counter pain medications have harmful side effects when taken to excess.
The side effects for the anti-inflammatory drugs affect the digestive tract.
They include stomach upset, the potential to develop ulcers as well as problems with the liver.
NSAIDS can also interact with other drugs in a negative fashion and may not be for everyone.
Anyone who is taking anti-inflammatory medication will have to have their liver checked on a regular basis to make sure that they drugs are not causing harm to this vital organ.
When it comes to pain medication, the side effects can also affect the liver.
But the real problem with pain medication is its addictive potential.
Pain medication is meant to be taken on a very short term basis or for those who are in dire pain and need relief.
Many people like the feeling that the pain medication gives them and tend to abuse these drugs.
Doctors are hesitant about handing out these controlled substances to patients on a regular basis and will usually stop after a period of time.
This is just when the patient is realizing that he or she has to take an increasing amount of the drug to achieve the same result.
Pain medication withdrawal is even more painful than the osteoarthritis.
This should only be used in the case of very bad pain.
The same holds true for muscle relaxants.
Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis suffer from it in their back.
Muscle relaxants will relieve this condition.
But they can also be addictive and build up a tolerance.
While osteoarthritis drugs can help with this condition, they should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor and used as the last resort to treat the pain.