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Enable the Miracles to Flow
God's peace is being able to stay at peace even when all hell is breaking loose around us.
God's peace is what enables the miracles to flow.
God doesn't work when we are upset, when we are in a panic. He works best when we are calm.
One of my favorite preachers tells about this vision he had.
He saw the golden pipes in Heaven. The blessings flowed freely from Heaven to Earth through those pipes.
However when someone became anxious or worried about a situation, he saw a hand squeeze that pipe. It stopped the flow to that area in the person's life.
The blessings were still flowing, but someone had restricted the flow by clamping down on the pipe.
This is exactly what happens when we become anxious or worried in a certain area of our lives. We restrict the flow.
Sin doesn't stop the flow because the Bible says that where sin abounds, grace (God's supernatural unmerited favor) super abounds (Romans 5:20) and that God doesn't deal with us according to our iniquities (Psalm 103:10).
Not staying in peace is the reason we don't see as many miracles as we should.
How do we stay in peace? Try an experiment with me. Play the "troubled heart" game.
Whenever we have a troubling thought, a thought that upsets us, we stop and say "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27)
If we forget, we pick ourselves up and start again. No beating ourselves up allowed.
We must keep doing this until it becomes old hat because God doesn't tell us to guard our businesses, our marriages, our kids, our finances. He tells us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23, John 14:27).
In order to stay in peace, God requires us to guard our hearts. When we do, God takes care of the rest.
Remember that God's peace enables miracles to flow in our lives. Stay in peace today!
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