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Strengthening Core MusclesFact And Fiction - Physiotherapists In Toronto
Fact: Your core structures are the things that you keep up and supported. Your abdominals are just one part of your core! True core strengthening involves muscles in your hip, low back and even your neck!
Fiction: Abdominal crunches are the best exercises to do for core.
Fact: This often is not the case! One issue is that it these exercises can put a lot of strain on your back and neck. The other issue, is that not enough core muscles will be targeted with this exercise.
Fiction: Going to the gym is good enough to do the trick.
Fact: Having a gym membership is great, and can surely supplement anything you learn. But at Don Mills Health Care, we use the latest medical and rehabilitation equipment designed to isolate your core muscles. If that isnt enough, some of the more traditional pieces of equipment are also here!
Fiction: Having a private personal trainer is better than anything else.
Fact: Besides maybe Orthopaedic surgeons, likely few understand your body better than your Physiotherapist. They have the education, expertise and experience to help you train in a safe and effective manner. Even better, your visit and training is probably covered by your extended health insurance!
Whether you are just starting out or looking for some advanced exercises, your Physiotherapist at Don Mills Health Care has you covered!
Its easy to fall off track with an exercise program while rehabbing, because after all youre human. But try to follow the above steps and talk to your Physiotherapist about other things that will work for you!
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