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Quick Tips: Smart Snacking When You Have Diabetes-Get Started
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Diabetes-Friendly Breakfast Ideas
You've heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that's especially true when you have type 2 diabetes. A healthy breakfast can help you control your weight and keep blood sugar stable, says Melissa Joy Dobbins, RD. She's a Chicago-based certified diabetes educator.What should your focus be for the first meal of the day? When you have diabetes, it's key to keep total carbs consistent day to day, get more fiber, choose fewer processed foods, and make heart-healthy choices, Dobbins...
Read the Diabetes-Friendly Breakfast Ideas article > >
- Enjoy eating the right portion. Try using a smaller plate, bowl, or glass while you slowly eat your snack.
- Make healthy choices. Eat a piece of fresh fruit. Or combine that fruit with some protein, such as a small apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter. Or try dipping your fruit in some light yogurt.
- Be prepared. Keep cut-up raw vegetables in your refrigerator. If these are ready to eat, you're more likely to grab them than something else. Try a low-fat dip on the side.
- Eat nuts. Try a small handful of almonds, walnuts, or pecans. These treats each have less than 15 grams of carbohydrate.
- Choose filling foods that can satisfy your hunger without a lot of calories. Try a hard-boiled egg or an ounce of reduced-fat cheese, such as string cheese.
- Skip high-fat dips. Instead, mix plain yogurt, fat-free mayonnaise, cottage cheese, or fat-free sour cream with a small amount of dry soup mix. Or try a bean dip made with fat-free refried beans, topped with salsa.
- Get more fiber. Put that turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread. Mix wheat germ into yogurt or sprinkle it on salads. Choose whole-grain breads and cereals.
- Try something new. Make a pita pizza with a piece of whole wheat pita bread, tomato sauce, and a sprinkling of reduced-fat cheese. Top with sliced zucchini or mushrooms. Bake until cheese is melted. Enjoy!
And remember:
- Don't eat out of the bag or box. Take a single serving, and eat from a plate or bowl. It's easy to eat more than you need or want when the bag is open in front of you.
- Don't buy snacks that aren't healthy choices. If unhealthy snacks aren't around, you won't eat them.
- Keep an eye on the nutrition facts label, especially in low-fat or fat-free foods. To make up for flavor, sugar and salt is often added when fat is taken out.
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