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The Right Way to Break Up With Your Partner
However, moving on is often the best thing for both people.
There is a proper way to break up with someone and here it is.
Break up face-to-face.
The golden rule for ending a relationship is to do it in person.
Telephone calling, emailing or texting just isn't enough or decent.
This relationship has been in-depth enough that this discussion should be in person.
Therefore you should always split up with a partner in person.
Make sure that the location is right.
Where you choose to break up with someone is important as well.
It isn't something you'd ever like to perform publicly, especially with a large group present.
When you are breaking up you should do it in a quiet place where the two of you can be alone to discuss things.
In the event that you need to shout in order to be heard (or, if it is completely silent with people looking at you), then choose somewhere else to break up.
Pick a time that will work for both of you.
There are better and worse times to end a relationship.
Just prior to an exam or a test is not a good time for either of you.
The same goes for a recent accident, injury or loss of job.
Be considerate and caring and end your relationship at the correct time and in the right way.
The fact of the matter is that not all relationships can be ended so easily.
However, whenever possible, wait till each partner is able to deal with the split emotionally.
Tell the truth and show that you care.
The tired expressions, "it's me, not you" is not a straightforward method of ending a relationship.
Your partner will be able to tell if you are dishonest about your reasons for ending the relationships.
So don't talk too long and make up stories, just tell the truth.
Be honest.
Speak in a way that is sensitive to your guy or girl's feelings.
Of course, you're severing ties with this person, but it doesn't give you the right to be insensitive towards them.
Begin the conversation with your partner delicately; let him know exactly and in detail why you are ready to end the relationship.
There's no question that you're telling the truth will be appreciated.
Just remember to relax and don't lose your cool.
Neither one of you will probably be happy that the relationship is over.
In order to end a relationship in the right way, you have to keep your emotions from flying all over the place.
As you break the news that the relationship is over, you may experience your partner's emotions being unleashed.
You must hold back your reactions and stay calm.
Keep your cool for as long as you can one second at a time and the breakup will be over before you know it.