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The Importance of Validating Your Client"s Website
Examples include checking if a statement is true (validity), if an appliance works as intended, if a computer system is secure, or if computer data are compliant with an open standard.
Validation implies one is able to document that a solution or process is correct or is suited for its intended use (Wikipedia).
Validating your html and css is a process that is not imposed on a designer/developer.
It is done in order to assure compatibility and stability across browsers.
The number one advocate of validation is the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).
Validating is the best way to avoid various issues in web page rendering.
Compatibility issues.
As a developer you know of the existence of other web browsers other than Internet Explorer (IE) and Safari.
There are many other browsers, each display and render differently.
Browser Rendering Having a validated html code assures that the browsers display the content as correct as possible.
Although this is not a guarantee, because browser developers may choose not to make their software W3C compliant, this is a very rare case.
Browsers are becoming more and more compliant (with very few exceptions).
Browser developers are taking in close consideration what the W3C is standardizing.
Fewer hacks and workarounds Because browsers are working toward becoming fully W3C compliant, there is little need for browser specific hacks.
Hacks are codes that are tailored for a specific browser in order to render an element the way that other browsers render it.
Future Maintenance With a validated code, you are ensuring yourself that maintenance will be easier.
A good clean code will help you keep up to date with browser updates and fixes.
These are just a few of the benefits of having a validated code.
In order to view you page on various browsers I suggest the use of browsershots.
It is a free service that gives you a screen shot of how your webpage looks in many browsers.
It is simple to use, just type your web page address and click on submit.
You have to have your page on-line so create a test site before you publish your content in its real domain.
Validation isn't a magical solution but it is a good tool to assure you have the least problems as possible.
Abiding by the W3C rules is good practice.
I think of them as the United Nations (UN) of the internet.
They give out suggestions, and you can take them or not.
However, it is always a good idea to take their advice.
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