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3 Ultra Effective Tactics Make Your Ex Miss You and Want You Back!
You still love your ex and want to get back with them.
If you have committed a lot of mistakes in your relationship, it can be hard to regain that trust.
But you can win them back.
No matter how worse your situation is, you can win your ex back.
Here are a few effective techniques to make them miss you and want you back...
Retreat - Break off all contact from your ex.
Tell your ex that the breakup was the best thing for both of you.
Just telling that can make your ex come back to you.
Do you know why? It's because of the law of retreat.
"We pursue that which retreats from us".
You are pursuing your ex right now because they retreated from you.
That's the beauty of this rule.
It works every time.
Demonstrate Value - You've got to let your ex know that you've changed for the better.
They have to know that you won't commit the mistakes you committed earlier.
Take some responsibility for your actions and work on improving all other areas in your life.
Instead of wasting time thinking about your ex, do something that will improve your life.
You can get a new degree, lose some weight, learn a new language or get a raise.
Become socially active and do everything you can do so that your ex notices you.
You've got to demonstrate your sexual worthiness to your ex.
Do something excellent and gain competence at a task.
Flirt Subtly - Your ex will be receptive to your approaches if you had retreated.
Contact them on a regular basis and become close to them.
Flirt with your ex and develop sexual tension.
You've got to be interesting and exciting.
Talk about beautiful memories you had together and make them laugh.
Your ex will soon begin to miss you.
Build some jealousy into your relationship by going out with someone else for a while.
They'll go crazy and will come chasing you.