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Truancy: Statistics
- Studies have shown that two-thirds of male juveniles arrested while truant tested positive for drug use.
- According to one confidential survey, nearly 1 in ten 15 year olds were truant at least once a week.
- During a recent sample period in Miami more than 71 percent of 13 to 16 year-olds prosecuted for criminal violations had been truant.
- In Minneapolis, daytime crime dropped 68 percent after police began citing truant students.
- In San Diego, 44 percent of violent juvenile crime occurs between 8:30 a.m . and 1:30 p.m.
- In Pittsburgh, each day approximately 3,500 students or 12 percent of the pupil population is absent and about 70 percent of these absences are unexcused.
- In Philadelphia, approximately 2,500 students a day are absent without an excuse.
- In Milwaukee, on any given school day, there are approximately 4,000 unexcused absences.
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