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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Strengthening Self Discipline Time Control

When thinking about the job and become independent entrepreneur to own a business, this means a high degree of self-discipline and commitment. Becoming a business owner when certain habits are not well implemented and developed as needed to have an effective control of time, you can go from being a

Are You French Perfume or Poison?

Are you packaged nicely and carry the aura of excellence and beauty? You walk with swagger in your step and ooze confidence but people pass by and only share but a glance? In amongst all the other perfumes you know you are the best but no one is buying.

Is Courage the Same As Self-Confidence?

Many adolescents have a difficult time to determine the difference between self-confidence and courage. Most adolescents have a difficult time to be both self-confident and courageous. In this article, I will outline how an adolescent can develop both self-confidence and courage.

Selfish or Self-Loving

Are you feeling a lack of fulfilment in your life?Are you fed up with always considering others instead of doing what you want to do?Well read on and learn how to put yourself first.Top tips on being self-loving and stop feeling guilty.

What is The Secret?

The Secret is out. Learn how you can change your life with just one simple tool that you live with every single day. Make your life what you want it to be.

From Tragedy to Triumph

Overcoming challenges and squashing limiting beliefs can be a daily struggle. There is a place in every single person that when tapped into, can change their life in a moment. When we face our fears, we are free. New decisions can bring on new actions and unleash your true potential.

The Spirit Within

Sometimes what we search for, is right in front of us or ... within us. Stop seeking outside your own spirit for answers.

Make Your Voice Deeper by Assessing Your Problem

Millions of men around the world suffer from a light squeaky voice, but very few find a solution to this frustrating condition. Most men who cannot achieve a deep crisp consistent speaking voice fall into two broad groups.

Leveraging Your Past Experiences

A background of negative childhood experiences does not mean you will have to carry that baggage with you through life forever. The decision to include even your negative experiences in your plans to create your dream life allows those experiences to be transformed into assets that benefit your life

How to Avoid New Year's Resolutions Failure

Hey there, I was thinking about my New Year's resolution for this year and thought I would comprise a list of the some good New Year's resolution and tips to avoid failure to help out others as well! We're all different; the key to being successful with these resolutions is to only ch

True Story Of How One Man Licked Worry In The Face To Help 200,000 People.

This is a true story of how one man found a simple but highly effective solution to banish worry for good. It gives a summary on the main causes of worry and how by careful understanding and application of tried and tested Key Winning tactics, worry can be resolved allowing people to live a healthie

Clarifying Myths About Hypnosis

A woman called me the other day inquiring about hypnosis for weight release. We talked for a few minutes about her needs and desires regarding hypnosis. Then she told me that when she did schedule ...

My Purpose and His Purpose

Many of us live each day one at a time. Without a clear and concise idea of the future that is ahead of us. No priorities. No goals. Just enjoying the benefits of life as it comes. But really? Why are we here? What do we need to accomplish before we go to what other's would say as the "nex

Contentment - The Key to Happiness

You can tell if a person is happy or not by what comes out of their mouth. Proverbs 18:21 says that 'The tongue can bring death or life'. Discontented people are always complaining about something or somebody and the more they focus on how unhappy they are the more unhappy they will become