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Personal Safety & Security : Home & Garden

How to Save Incandescent Lightbulbs

Since incandescent light bulbs only utilize 10-15 percent of their energy to produce light, knowing how to use these light bulbs effectively is key to conserving electricity and saving money. Since the remaining energy produced by these light bulbs is efficient in producing heat, one way to keep a r

Updating Your House to Avoid a Home Invasion

Home invasions are growing in numbers all over the country. Unlike regular burglaries, where property theft is the main objective, home invasions usually occur when the residents are home and can have much more serious ...

Room Freshener Ideas

Holidays or any day, you want your home to smell as fresh and sweet as a garden. But all that cooking, living, bouncing puppy and stale odor residue leaves an eau de trash bin instead. Clean up the air, freshen the scent of the room and replace stale odors with appealing ones by using some simple ho

How To Calculate a Heating Bill

Your heating bill is a monthly expense that can easily be managed to lower your overall costs. By understanding the basic principles of heating costs you may plan for monthly expenditures and save your family valuable cash. Your heating bill is influenced by several factors, like whether you use gas

How to Open a Combination Lock When You've Lost the Numbers

Combination locks are great for locking up bikes, personal property or lockers. If you forget or lose your combination, however, they can be difficult to reopen. You can contact the manufacturer of the lock and ask them to look up the combination by the serial number printed on the back of the lock,

How to Replace a Phone Jack in a 40 Year Old House

Traditional phone jacks use telephone wiring that runs throughout the house and connects to the main phone line coming in from the street. The wiring used for a phone line has not changed in many years. This means replacing a phone jack in a 40-year-old house is done the same way as a phone jack in

Home Security Cameras And 5 Tips On How To Choose An Ip Camera

The currently available Home Security Cameras (known generically as IP cameras) are great devices, can be bought inexpensively, are easy to set up, and really can give peace of mind while you are away from home. But, with so many choices available on the market it is hard to know how to choose an IP

Home Burglar Alarms Could Possibly Save Your Life

Dialing your phone and calling 911 might be too late when the burglar is already inside your house. How many cases are there when intruders have already accessed the bedrooms of their victims?

The Pros and Cons of a Wireless Home Security System

Still having trouble deciding between a wireless and wired home security system? This is not surprising considering that there is no definite answer when it comes to one system being innately better than the other. ...

Keeping Your Family Well-Protected With Reliable Home Security

While most burglaries occur with the non-violent intention of making a quick buck with minimal effort, sometimes they escalate into bloodshed. We have all heard of horror stories of burglaries gone awry, resulting in the deaths of the innocent residents. Murders in which the victims are random targe

How to Build Storage Between Stud Walls

The walls of many homes contain studs consisting of 2-by-4 or 2-by-6 boards. Studs are generally spaced 16 inches apart, but can be as much as 24 inches apart. The empty space between studs is useful for shallow, built-in storage, but it can also house wiring. Check both sides of the wall, in opposi

The Facts About 24 Hour Locksmith Services

There are lots of solutions which aid men and women out in hard and distressful circumstances. These rescuers would be the firemen, health-related practitioners, safety personnel along with a variety

Home Security Equipment 101

Most of us recognize the basic equipment involved in home security. There are locks and keys, timing devices and alarms, but if we do not have them installed in our homes they do very little good in preventing crime.

How to Install a Power Save 1200

The Power Save 1200 is a small gray box that fits next to your breaker panel and saves you money. Learn how to install a Power Save 1200 and protect your home and your wallet!

Private Detective Las Vegas

There can be no doubt that a private detective services have become very popular and demanding in modern times. Though I must admit that the popularity of the detective agency there at all times and ...

Advantages Of Cctv In Business Premises

Setting up CCTV cameras can improve employee security by a great deal. For example, your employees might be at risk of verbal/physical abuse either from customers or from fellow employees. A fear of being watched all the time will provoke all the people entering the business premises to act more res

Gardening Tips for Pest Control Without Chemicals

Integrated Pest Management is the best approach to controlling pests.insect image by Mirek Hejnicki from Fotolia.comAs gardeners become more and more aware of the dangers of chemical pesticides, many are turning to a strategy called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This approach...