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Save Your Home with Earthquake Retrofitting
If you are staying anywhere in Southern California, you will know for a fact that no structure can be deemed permanent when it comes to battling earthquakes. It is not uncommon to see houses blown apart right off their seams due to seismic activity. There is an answer and solution to this problem. You can consider calling in professionals to conduct a retrofitting of your house. Copper Foundation is a company owned and operated by one family. It has been in the business of foundation repair and earthquake retrofitting for more than three decades now. There are many advantages of getting an earthquake retrofitting done for your home.
Advantages of Retrofitting
The main advantage is the reason why you are getting the retrofitting done in the first place. You will be able to rest assured that you will not lose your whole house because you avoided retrofitting it. The safety and security of your family and loved ones has to be your top most priority. When you choose to take measures against seismic disasters, you choose to provide your family with a safer home that they can bank on. By conducting an earthquake retrofitting, you can also avail lowered insurance rates in Southern California.
Bolt It Down or Strap It Up
In essence, earthquake retrofitting is the process of strapping or bolting down your house to the concrete foundation that it's on. There are quite a few ways to do this. Visit for details of the process and other foundation related issues. The bolts used or strapping applied will ensure that the home does not slip off its foundation during an earthquake.
Foundation bolting is a form of earthquake retrofitting which involves addition of bolts to the wooden framing members of a house and its concrete foundation. This wooden surface is better known as the sill plate or mud sill.
Why the Old Ones Don't Work
Whether or not there are existing bolts is something that Copper Foundation will check for you. If your house needs earthquake retrofitting, chances are that there are no bolts at all or if they are present, they are weakened through wear and tear. Another possibility is that the bolts are fixed at intervals that are too far apart from each other making it impossible for the building to adequately resist an earthquake.
Call the Experts
There are many other things that can be done within the premise of earthquake retrofitting to ensure that you don't lose your home or end up paying huge amounts for extensive repair in earthquake situations. You can call Copper Foundation for a FREE inspection and professional consultation of your home and foundation. Earthquake retrofitting can be done at reasonable rates and the best thing is that with Copper Foundation you can rest assured that they provide you with a lifetime warranty of their services. This includes house bolting, foundation repair, excavation, slab concrete repairs/replacements, Caisson drilling foundation as well as cripple wall bracing and helical piers systems. Make the right decision to save your most valuable property – your home and family.
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