The best magazine
You Have Superpowers
Front Text:
You Have Superpowers
So maybe you're not Spiderman (though wouldn't those webs come in handy sometimes?) You still have senses and abilities far more developed than those of the average parent. Your senses tingle when something is wrong with your child, long before anybody else notices a difference. With your X-ray vision, you see through inaccurate diagnoses and inadequate treatments; with your superior strength, you blast through red tape and past ineffectual bureaucrats to get your child what he or she needs; with your lightning speed, you swoop in to keep your child out of trouble.
Like many a superhero, you can't always explain to mere mortals how you know what you know. But as Peter Parker himself learned, with great power comes great responsibility.
Choice of Inside Text: (click to download)
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Valentine's Day
- Happy Mother's Day
- Happy Father's Day
- Thank you for using your powers for good
- (Blank)
Make an envelope for this card.
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