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Medical Insurance - Some Helpful Tips
There are many things to be wary of, and I have written a few tips for your review.
- The other factor which hikes up the major health insurance rates is your body weight - where Body Mass Index or BMI can be a deciding factor.
If your weight is disproportionate with your age and height, your insurance rates could go up accordingly.
However you could get a reduction in major insurance, if you lose weight.
Even losing a few pounds could make a significant contribution to the rate reduction.
- How clean is your driving record? Because a poor driver with a past record of tickets or accidents would usually invite higher rates of major medical insurance.
Even people, who ride sports cars or power bikes, usually pay higher rates for major medical health insurance. - Finally the reason why you find your rates of medical health insurance is high could be because you have not done enough research to find the right insurance provider who would offer affordable rates.
Perhaps you have selected the first company that came your way and signed the deal.
It is also likely that you have signed in for a policy which goes beyond your insurance needs resulting in you being 'over insured'.
Being 'over insured' or 'under insured' means that you are not getting the right kind of coverage at the right price.
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