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Car Insurance for Women- more cheap than men
In general the women are entitled to receive several discounts automatically. Though this sounds a little partial for the opposite sex, but a strong reason supports this. According to the statistics it has been unraveled that the women drivers drive more safely and with full attention in comparison to the men drivers. Thus the probability of their meeting with an accident is lesser.
The statistics have put a stamp on the claim that women drives safely than the men. This is mainly due to the reason that women make comparatively less claims on insurance than the men folk. Women, basically mothers drive with their children so they are more vigilant while handling the steering wheel of the car.
Many car insurance companies have now given this fact the required importance and have come up with special contracts for the female drivers. They can browse the Internet and carry out a thorough research for insurance firms projected to render them appropriate service. This enables them to hold back their total expenditure along with curtailing the premium paid. The car insurance coverage for female drivers is inclusive of all probable aspects linked with the vehicle.
Though the women are the butt of all joke played by men particularly, but till the situation gets cleared up, the female drivers will receive lesser insurance rates than men. Records prove that damages caused the carelessness of men are severe than women. In case this trend continues then women will continue to enjoy various added discounts.
Gender of an individual is not the only ruling factor which has an affect on the car insurance cost. For many of the policies of insurance the vehicle's model is also vital while deciding the rate. An old as well as well maintained car is liable for a discount, but it should feature adequate safety measures such as anti-theft alarm as well as airbags. The vehicle model is also an important factor while deciding the insurance rate. The female drivers prefer less flashy cars than their counterpart, and they also prefer what is normally taken to be safe and sound.
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