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Information on Taking Care of a Backyard Pond
- Green pond water is an indication of overgrowth of algae. Algae get nutrients to grow from the pond water. Excess nutrients, especially nitrate and phosphate, cause excess algae. Lowering levels of nutrients can rid ponds of algae overgrowth. Reduce nutrient levels by not overstocking fish (rule of thumb is one 12-inch fish for every 10 square feet of surface area in unaerated water, and one 12-inch fish for every 2 to 3 square feet of surface area in aerated water), not overfeeding fish, stocking the pond with aquatic plants that absorb nutrients, skimming large algae growth and other plant debris like fallen leaves out of the water, and adding snails and tadpoles, which eat algae.
- Ponds can develop anoxic conditions from oxygen depletion if there is a buildup of too much organic material like algae, fish food or fish waste. Anoxic water doesn't have enough oxygen to sustain aquatic life. These conditions require aeration--an infusion of air into the water by agitation from a fountain or pump. Healthy water quality is dependent on good oxygenation, a good balance of organic materials and dissolved oxygen. Fountains, air compressors and jet aerators are all good devices to oxygenate pond water.
- Overly warm or hot water is bad for fish and water conditions. Ponds located in very warm climates and in full sun will have problems supporting aquatic life without adding some shade conditions. Planting tall surrounding plants or shrubbery, locating the pond under or next to a tree or adding a landscape feature such as a screen or fence that shades a large part of the pond will stabilize temperatures affected by long periods of direct sun.
- Too many fish for the capacity of the pond will result in disease and death. Too much organic matter in the water without enough aeration and oxygenation will result in both plant and aquatic animal sickness and death. Koi and goldfish need 1 gallon of water per inch of fish for optimal health conditions. Adhere to pond filter and aeration equipment capacity upon installation for good pond maintenance.
- Submersed filters will clean the water of excess organic material and can add beneficial bacteria to balance the oxygen and plant and animal debris in the water. Filter size should be matched to water surface and capacity of the pond for efficiency.
Controlling Algae Growth
Sunlight and Temperature
Plant and Animal Disease
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