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What Kinds Of Long Term Care Insurance Are Out There?
These are the main kinds of long-term care insurance.
One is skilled nursing care, that has to be prescribed by a physician and the person is expected to totally recover from their sickness or accident.
Skilled therapy with a licensed therapist, along withtreatment plan, and possibly nursing care are involved.
Another kind of long-term care insurance is called intermediate nursing care.
Similarly to skilled nursing care, it must be prescribed by a doctor, and the person is expected to totally recover from their problem.
Intermediate nursing care, however, unlike skilled nursing care, is not given daily.
The care is dependent upon what the doctor has ordered as far as treatment and therapy.
Kind of like a "do what you need to get well" plan The last kind of long-term care insurance is custodial nursing care; which is the full coverage plan of long-term care insurance.
This care includes daily nursing assistance, care with basic hygiene matters, and can involve ostomy bags and catheters too.
Custodial care may be given at home or in an assisted-living facility or a nursing home.
It can cover a couple hours a week up to 24 hours a day.
The outlook is that the person will probably not recover from their condition.
Research has revealed that 42% of the individuals who have gotten any type of long-term care are age 65 are less.
Research also reveals that there is a 50% possibility that an individual will require some kind of long term care provided beyond the age of 65.
Long-term care insurance is a good choice for many folks, but if your financial situation is such that you can pay for your care with your own money, then long-term care insurance might not be for you.
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