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Review of the Book My Family"s Changing Rating
The Bottom Line
The book My Family's Changing, written by therapist and counselor, Pat Thomas, is an excellent tool for families of preschool and elementary school-aged children. The book's format, content, and open-ended questions will help stimulate discussion around the many changes brought on by divorce. In addition, the book includes a glossary for kids and a "How to Use This Book" section for parents.
- "What about you?" sidebars encourage families to openly share their emotions.
- Effectively addresses kids' fears, such as the idea that their parents will stop loving them.
- Also addresses changes in mom and dad, like being busier or feeling sad.
- Encourages kids to stand up for themselves and express their own feelings.
- Divorce is not always the "fault" of both parents. Sometimes it is just one parent who wants out.
- Truthfully addresses the many changes divorcing families go through.
- Offers comfort by helping children anticipate change.
- Reminds readers that children are not the cause of divorce, and children of divorce are still loved by both parents.
- Includes colorful illustrations.
- Includes several "What about you?" question boxes to stimulate conversation.
Guide Review - Review of the Book My Family's Changing
One of the things that I really like about this book is that it introduces changes that children of divorce commonly experience, without necessarily drawing concrete conclusions.
For example, author Pat Thomas lets her readers know that:
- Divorce usually comes only after parents have tried very hard to reconcile their relationship.
- Divorced parents do not usually get back together.
- Spending time with your parents individually may feel very different from the time you spent together as a family.
- You may not live near one another, and may need to communicate over the phone or through email.
- Spending time with friends and extended family members can help.
- Through the many changes you are all going through, your parents still love you.
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