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Coin Magic Tricks Impress Everyone You Know

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We all love magic, and what's even better is actually being the one being able to perform the magic trick.
Whether its street magic or doing magic in a building, you are always in front of crowds of people.
Everyone has the ability to learn street magic no matter how old you are.
Street magic is perhaps one of the most popular forms of magic nowadays, and coin magic tricks have been, and most likely will always be popular among people.
Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, and the more you practice, the better you are going to be at it.
Once you have mastered the trick, take it to the streets or wherever you want as long as there is a crowd to watch you.
This guide is going to teach you how to do a coin trick that will "wow" people and impress them.
For this trick, you are going to need a crowd of people, a coin, and a chair to sit in, as well as a piece of cloth.
Step One: Get a coin and make sure the audience sees it.
After they have seen the coin, place it on your leg, in the area of 6 inches above your knees.
Using your right thumb, hold the coin in place.
Step Two: Pinch the piece of cloth underneath the coin and this is going to make your coin turn upward hiding it underneath your square cloth.
Step Three: Take your forefinger on your left hand and place it on the top of the fold of the cloth.
At the same time, the fingers on your right hand are going t straighten up, and your right hand thumb is going to slowly take away the coin from the fold and put it inside your palm.
Step Four: Immediately move your right hand and move it down and grasp the cloth between its fold and begin to pull it through a circle made from your thumb and pointer finger.
This is going to show the audience that your coin has disappeared.
Step Five: With your left had, slap your left leg.
Grab the coin out from underneath your leg and show it to the audience.
In order to make the trick look more realistic, you are going to have to do everything fast to make sure your crowd remains interested.
This is a great way to get away with your coin magic tricks.
While you are doing your trick, a great idea to ensure the audience concentrates on you and not necessarily where the coin is going is to talk to them throughout the trick.
This is a common thing that a lot of street magicians to in order to keep the audience captivated.
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