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How Web 2.0 is Changing the Future of Home-Business Owners
0 Contrary to what you may be thinking, Web 2.
0 refers to a new paradigm shift in how Netizens will perceive, use and exist virtually on the World Wide Web.
Web 2.
0 is an all-encompassing term that covers web design and WWW technologies.
This new paradigm shift aims to foster creativity between Netizens, and allow these Internet users to share data then collaborate on such information.
Under the Web 2.
0 world view, web-based communities were born in tandem with hosted services (thus leading to the arrival of blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and folksonomies.
) The dawn of Web 2.
0 does not imply the onset of new technical specifications for the Internet but rather changes in how the World Wide Web is used by Netizens.
The problems that crop up when people attempt to understand Web 2.
0 come with how people perceive the Internet and World Wide Web.
Some authorities think that they should create applications first then make the Internet conform to such applications, while others believe that the Internet should remain a common platform on which many applications can be founded and used.
Each of these perspectives has its own pros and cons.
If applications were to rule over the Internet, then that means the public would need to adjust to each and every software application that has been produced and will be produced.
This may lead to confusion and is very difficult to implement in reality, because people have a limited capacity to absorb new applications anyway.
If the Internet is used as a common platform though, that means that applications would be based on a single platform and there would be a degree of unity.
Critics of this latter perspective say that this would derail creative initiatives while supporters of the Internet as common platform say it can actually make use of the Internet much more effective.
The suggestion of Web 2.
0 is that the World Wide Web should become a more effective tool for people to use once Web 2.
0 becomes a full-fledged reality.
This will happen when interaction is fostered between content and service providers, and the Netizen users, so that they can collaborate on how to make the World Wide Web a better virtual universe for all Netizens to use.
There is a more tangible benefit to Web 2.
0 - Netizens such as business owners will create more content that is usable for business purposes and that other Netizens can rely on for their needs and wants.
For instance, if a business owner uses a social network site as his personal business site where he can post pictures and ads about his product, then that means the business owner is producing content that other members of the social network can rely on for something they need.
The business owner could be a networkmarketer, or even a life insurance agent who would post information as blog content about the policies he is offering and how these may benefit his readers.
Other Netizens will then read such blog posts and be able to act on them by visiting the life insurance agent's site and posting a message.
Interaction follows and the philosophy of Web 2.
0 becomes a reality - people actually will interact using the World Wide Web in a more effective way.
This interaction is not static - rather, each participant in the Web 2.
0 philosophy ought to be able to benefit somehow.
In our example above, the life insurance agent is one participant who triggers a chain of events that will involve "prospects" or Netizens who might want to buy policies from him.
If the prospect becomes a customer because she buys a policy from the life insurance agent, then the agent gets value from use of the WWW and so does the prospect-now-customer.
That, in a nutshell, is what Web 2.
0 aims to do.
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