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Tips to Prevent a Burglary at Your Home

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Truth is just about any home can be broken into.
Seasoned burglars usually know the tricks of the trade and try to minimize their risks.
Some don't know what valuables they'll find, yet sometimes a burglar may very well know of jewelry or other valuables you have.
So how do you protect your home? Let's look at some examples.
Burglars usually break into homes either in the side or backyard, because it's less visible to neighbors.
Side doors and garage doors are prime entry points.
Be sure yours are secure.
Use a sturdy side door that isn't easily kicked in.
Lock the inside door from the garage to the house.
Some burglars drive neighborhoods with a remote control hoping to find the one that will luckily open a garage door.
It's not wise to keep valuables in the garage but secure inside your home.
You can purchase "diversion safes" which look like a peanut butter jar, WD-40 can.
There's one that looks just like an electrical plug.
These are good for hiding jewelry or other small valuable items.
Some homes may have a cheaply made door frame.
You can have the best made lock in the world but if the frame is weak they can simply kick in the door.
Or windows even though locked that require little effort to open due to poor design.
Does your home fit this profile? Protection Tips Though your home does not have to be built like a fort full of gold there are some reasonable steps you can take to help secure your home and reduce your risk of burglary.
Let's look at a few.
First make sure your door front and rear door frames are well made, with solid material.
A heavy duty door with a well made lock is a winning combination.
You windows should be designed well making it difficult for a burglar to pop its lock to slide open.
If your windows don't meet good standards try to purchase some affordable window locks.
You can also purchase window alarms that are quite loud, which can at least scare off the burglar when opened.
There are door locks that can be purchased too that will alert you of an opening and will also frighten the burglar.
Most burglars don't like a confrontation with the homeowner.
That's why they usually don't break in during the night, but that's not to say they won't.
If a burglar is that gutsy then you had better be prepared.
It's a good idea to keep your cell phone by your bed just in case.
I know, they need charging and you usually charge it through the night.
Plug your charger in by your bed.
If you do hear someone in your home, you can call 911.
So why not just keep a cordless phone by your bed? Well, if a burglar is brave enough to break in during the night chances are he will disable your phone by popping open the outside phone box, disabling your phone service and also your alarm system.
You should also arm yourself with at least a non-lethal weapon, such as pepper spray, a stun gun or possibly a taser.
These type of burglars may well be armed with a gun, knife or other weapon, so if you find yourself in this dangerous situation don't be at a disadvantage, have your phone and weapon.
If you're like me you enjoy sleeping with your bedroom window open, or at least partially open.
That's really not safe unless you're upstairs with no access, such as a drain pipe.
It's a prime opportunity for a burglar to enter your home.
If you do want to keep your windows open at night, try to get the clamps that you can tightly screw to the window frame so it cannot be opened more than you desire.
Again alarms work well if the window is opened farther than you desire.
Of course when you leave it's best to close and lock all windows and doors.
Good luck and be safe!
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