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The Best Treatment for Arterial Stenosis
- One or several medications may be prescribed to treat conditions that can contribute to plaque formation. Treated conditions may include high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Aspirin or other such medications may also be given to thin the blood.
- Adopting a hearth-healthy diet and exercise program can aid in the treatment of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. You should speak with your doctor about finding the right diet and exercise program for you.
- Arterial blockages may be surgically treated. Angioplasty is the insertion of a catheter with a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated at the site of the plaque formation to flatten the plaque and stretch the arterial wall.
- Arterial bypass is a surgical procedure performed for completely blocked or significantly narrowed arteries. A graft or blood vessel from another part of the body is connected to the artery to reroute blood around the affected area.
- Thrombolytic therapy is the injection of medication into the artery at the location of the plaque formation. The medication dissolves the clot.
Diet and Exercise
Arterial Bypass
Thrombolytic Therapy
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