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How to Uninstall Kiwee Toolbar
- 1). Download and install the Unlocker program. This program is designed to combat aggressive programs that do not allow you to tamper with them due to error messages like "you do not have access to this folder."
- 2). Locate the folder where the Kiwee toolbar is stored. If you installed it using the "automatic" configuration, the program is in the "Program Files" under "Kiwee Toolbar 2". If you used manual configuration, must remember where you saved it or use the Windows search function.
- 3). Right click on the program folder and then click "Unlocker" on the sub-menu that pops up. The folder will now be accessible
- 4). Right click on the folder again and select "delete" from the sub-menu. A few prompts may appear asking you if you really want to delete the software. Click through these prompts to finish the deletion process.
- 5). Restart your computer. Although the toolbar should not show up in your files any more, it is important to restart your computer to finalize the process.
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