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Living Life Fully
With faith, I can know that even though I may not know what tomorrow may hold, I know that all will be fine. The outcome may not always be what I want, but I know that whatever happens, it can be used to better me. That takes worry and dread away from the future. That doesn't mean that I'm some sort of odd ball that is never concerned about the future, just that there is a peace. I don't stew and fret; I live and enjoy life. At times, I discover myself slipping into the fretting and worrying mode, but when I turn to God, He's there, telling me that He is in control of the final outcome. He doesn't alway change the trials and tribulations I face and endure, but He walks beside me to help carry the burdens.
With love, I can accept people as they are. That doesn't mean I like all they do, or even their personalities, but I can still find good in them. If God can love me completely, full of fault as I am, then who am I to stand in judgement of others? Makes life much more enjoyable when I accept others with their "warts" and good qualities. Does that mean that I can befriend everyone no matter what or who they are? Not necessarily, but I can still feel no hate toward them.
Knowing that I have a place in life, that He has, and has had, a plan for me, makes living so much easier and more pleasant. I'm the only one who can mess up things, and I have at times. I'm relieved, too, when I find my way back on track. Life is much more enjoyable.
I am not perfect, nowhere near, but His love through me is perfect. I just have to take the love given me by Him and send it to others.
Living is much better than not living or half-living.