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DUI Laws in Alaska
- Alaska's DUI laws, like most states, are stiff.drink image by Tomasz Plawski from
Alaska's DUI driving laws make it illegal to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Any driver with a blood alcohol content of more than 0.08 percent, or 0.04 for commercial drivers or any driver under 21 years of age, faces arrest under DUI statutes and is subject to a fine, license suspension and jail. - Any person suspected of operating under the influence can be subjected to a chemical test, which can include a urine sample, blood sample or a Breathalyzer. Any person that refuses the chemical test will have her license to drive revoked for 90 days for a first offense, three years if the person has two prior convictions or five years for three or more convictions.
- A person's first DUI offense in Alaska will result in a 90-day license suspension, a minimum of 72 hours in jail and a fine of $1,500. The second offense DUI will result in a one-year minimum license suspension, 20 days minimum jail time and a $3,000 fine.
- A person's third DUI offense is a class C felony that results in a three-year suspension or a permanent suspension of the license if more than one conviction exists in a 10-year period. Jail time will be a minimum of 60 days and the fine will be a minimum of $4,000.
- A person' fourth DUI offense is a class C felony and will result in a five-year or more license suspension or permanent license suspension, a minimum of 90 days in jail or 120 days if there are previous convictions and a $5,000 fine, or $10,000 if there are convictions within the past 10 years.
- A fifth DUI is a class C felony resulting in five years license suspension or permanent suspension if there is more than one conviction in the past 10 years. Jail time will be a minimum of 240 days. The fine will be a minimum of $6,000.
- Alaska can require a driver to file a SR22 insurance form before the reinstatement of the person's driver's license. A person convicted of DUI must carry the SR22 insurance for three years from the date of license reinstatement. If a person is on probation for a DUI, that person must have an ignition interlock on the vehicle to drive. Any person under 21 years of age that drinks alcohol, drives under the influence, refuses a chemical test or uses a fake drivers license to obtain any type of alcohol will automatically lose their driving privileges.
Chemicals Tests
First and Second DUI
Third DUI
Fourth DUI
Fifth DUI
Important Facts
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