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Relationship Enhancement - Confidence Can Be Your Savior
There are mixed feelings of inadequacy, failure, anger, misery - and the need for vengeance.
How are you to supposed to rise above all of these emotions simultaneously? The answer is quite simple - and you already know what it is.
You have just been too afraid to act appropriately concerning yourself to this point.
Let's change that right now.
If you wish to make your relationship work again - or work for the first time - then you're going to have to man-or-woman up.
If you check yourself right now, most likely, you will find that you have been a coward.
You have not represented yourself in this relationship for at least one of the following reasons: - The fear that maybe your mate will leave you lonely for asserting your wishes; - The fear that you will be left at home while your mate goes to play and have fun without you; - The fear that you will suffer loneliness and have to try to learn how to face the lonely evenings - and the dreadful nights - alone; - The fear of having your love unreturned and devalued; - The fear that he or she will go and sleep with someone else.
No matter what people say, they are always possessive to a certain degree.
It is time to get over all of these IRRATIONAL fears.
Fear is your enemy.
Here's what to do: - Envision yourself 1 year, 5 years, 10 years from now.
What do you see? - Are you still with your current mate (be honest or this is worthless)? - Are you still in the same vocation as you are presently? - Do you still spend every day arguing with someone who is supposed to be your best friend - your life's mate? - Do you see yourself continuing to beg for affection and love - or do you see yourself receiving it from someone who values you for all the goodness that you represent and display? - The answers to these questions should be screaming out to you right now.
If they are not, then sadly, you are not a confident individual.
Stop it right now! Take control of your emotions and DECIDE to be a winner.
DECIDE to love yourself first.
DECIDE that you are very worthy of love, devotion, respect and monogamy.
It is only up to you - whomever you may be - to represent yourself with the confidence of an individual who demands rightfully to be loved in return for the love that they give.
Love has to be a 2-way street or it really isn't love at all.
Do you feel the correctness of these statements ringing true through your soul? Then begin right now to act like it.
Do not be a jerk.
You have no need for aggression.
Simply be confident and allow yourself to honestly say what you are always holding back.
Do not show anger.
That only makes you the weak one.
Calm, composed, pre-thought, directed action is what you need now - to make your love life work.