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Relationship Manifesto

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Manifesto: A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions.
Manifestos can be written for many things.
Today, I will share with you how to use a Manifesto in creating and/or solidifying a current relationship.
Often times, when imagining or manifesting ideal relationship, we focus mostly on the 'ideal partner'.
This is fine, in terms of putting out there, that which we want in a partner.
But, have we really defined what we want in a 'relationship'? So, what happens when this ideal partner comes into our lives and we are now 'trying' to fit them into our idea of a relationship? Notice, I used the word 'trying'.
(Trying generally sets us up for failure.
) We generally end up 'building' a relationship around them.
We may even 'settle'.
Or, if you are currently in a marriage/relationship and your relationship goals aren't clear, it may be a time to clarify them.
You can do this as an individual, or as a couple.
How do we prevent this? By writing a "Relationship Manifesto".
You can read mine below.
Relationship Manifesto I, Alexi Moore, commit to creating a conscious, loving relationship with a man.
To create a place where love isn't a word, but is a series of selfless acts used to show each other our truest, deepest feelings and emotions.
A collaborative partnership where there is structure.
Focusing on each others' strengths, and using them to the best of our abilities in the relationship.
Acknowledging and accepting our weaknesses.
Where there are no timelines, ultimatums, or ownership papers.
But the union of two people whom enter into an extraordinary, conscious, loving partnership where passion has no limits.
Creating a partnership where intimacy is shared, without boundaries, and never to be used as a punishment and/or reward system.
To always be available to give and receive physical pleasure to each other.
We create a place that is sacred between us.
We are free to be ourselves as individuals, and each of us individually, inspired by the other, form a separate entity (us).
That is nurtured by us as a conscious collaborative union of two souls merging together.
We are secure in our ability to communicate openly and honestly, without fear or judgment.
Embraced and understood.
Where we can agree to 'disagree' and respect each other's thoughts and feelings.
Where my partner is strong and confident in his masculinity, as my hero, creating a safe place for me to be in my feminine and express my feelings and desires.
Instead of hiding behind, or burying our fears, we use them to fuel inspiration and creativity.
For when the heart is caged within fear, it starves and dies.
Only when it is free, does it grow and flourish.
Where my goal, and desire, is to support my partner's mission in life.
And, in return for my devotion, I am cherished and adored.
Where our combined desire is in creating an Epic, Legendary love affair that lasts a lifetime.
In writing your Manifesto.
You may use mine as a guide, or write your own.
As an individual, put them in a conspicuous place as a reminder of your dreams and desires in a relationship.
As a couple, when you have a disagreement, take them out and read them together as a gesture of love and appreciation for your partner.
Turning the focus back on your relationship instead any anger you may be carrying.
After reading the Manifesto, then discuss the issue at hand in a calm, rational manner.
Many times, just being reminded of the goal you have together as a couple will make you realize that what you were arguing about really wasn't worth arguing over.
And if there is a major issue, it will help to diffuse the anger and bring you to a better place for discussion.
Copyright 2011 Alexi Moore-Creating YOUR Ideal Life All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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