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Home Security Tips for Young Families
Make sure that all of the doors and locks in your house are fully functioning. Installing solid core doors and having quality frames can keep someone from kicking in the door. Quality doors can keep a criminal from entering your house quickly, that way you will be able to call the proper authorities before someone can enter the home. Install one-inch think locks on the front door and all doors to the outside. Make sure all of the locks fully lock and function. If you are renting often times the owner will replace locks that are not functioning or do not fully secure.
Join a neighborhood watch group or start one if there is not a group yet. Neighbor can watch over your home whether you are at work or on a vacation. Either way they can report suspicious solicitors who are around your home. Also they can watch your home passively as you are away so that no one can enter your home or plan to enter your home while you are away. They can also contact the proper authorities if they do see that something is wrong. Often they have great tips for the specific neighborhood to keep everyone safe.
Do not keep a key near the door. This means no fake rocks in the garden or a key under the mat. If you know these "tricks" than so do criminals. Also if they are watching your neighborhood to see when to strike you may give away the key to your home. Be sure to keep your key in a very safe place and somewhere where many people would not look.
Also be sure to discuss a home security plan with your family. Make sure that everyone knows the fastest ways out of the house and where you will all meet once you are out of the house. This can be very important if something were to happen inside the house.
Invest in a home alarm system. The latest technologies have been used with home alarms in order to provide the best service for families. If you had a dog, now you don't have to worry about them setting off false alarms. The infrared technology that the new home security systems have can detect the difference between a dog and a person using heat and movement sensors. Also home alarm systems as a great way to safe guard your house against criminals but also hazards such as fire or carbon monoxide. Most companies provide 24 hours a day 7 days a week on call personnel who can contact the correct emergency services as quickly as possible.
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