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Hawaii Vacation - New Year Celebrations
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Hawaii Christmas and New Year celebrations became a blend of traditions introduced by the 18th century explorers and missionaries from Europe and the USA, combined with the ancient Hawaiian winter solstice celebration.
After its introduction by the missionaries, the Hawaiians tried to say "Merry Christmas" but it just did not sound the same as it sounded in English.
So, "Mele Kalikimaka," a phonetic translation of the phrase, was the best choice.
Traditional Hawaiians observed Makahiki, a celebration around the time of the winter solstice that lasted up to four months.
They used this period to express appreciation to their gods for the food drawn from the land and sea.
The premier god of this festival was Lono, who represented fertility and growth.
During the time of the festival, his image in the form of a tiki, was carried throughout the islands and shown to everyone.
Makahiki was also a time of peace as it was forbidden for warriors of rival clans to go to sea in war canoes during this festival.
This ensured that the time could be spent in peaceful celebrations and feasts featuring pig and fish.
The festival also indicated the start of the new year, a time when Hawaiians say "Hauoli Makahiki Hou" - roughly"happy new year to you.
" Because makahiki also means "year", the Hawaiian phrase for "Happy New Year" became "Hau'oli (happy) Makahiki (year) Hou (new)"(how-OH-lee mah-kah-hee-kee ho).
SO, Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou means "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
" Here is a good article about Hawaiian Christmas and New Year traditions.
As pointed out in the article, "In 1856, King Kamehameha IV moved the official national day of Thanksgiving to Dec.
25, more than coincidentally coinciding with Christmas.
A large Christmas party was held on the royal grounds in 1858, including what is believed to be the first Christmas tree in the islands.
" Hawaii has a very comfortable climate with cool breezes and a warm sun throughout the year.
The relaxed and stress-free culture envelopes all in the experience of the Aloha spirit during the New Year celebrations and festival.
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