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Diabetes 101: Health Problem With Complications
There are two types of diabetes that we ought to know.
Type 1 which is commonly detected during childhood or usually called juvenile diabetes mellitus. This is the case where the body failed to supply enough amount of insulin. In addition with healthy lifestyle diet is the right regular exercise and taking up of the right prescribe medicines.
Most likely obesity links to diabetes and some one must have a regular exercise that plays an important role in reducing high blood sugar back to normal. But before doing some exercises consult first your physician what would be the right exercise suited for diabetic people.
There are different forms of exercises for different form of diabetic people. Obese diabetic person would not be advised by the doctor to jog or to have heavy formed of exercise due to his/her stoutness. Doing this might just cause some body injuries. It would be much better to consult physicians first.
According to some survey's conducted, diabetic people who always take serious on their physical exercises most likely has a great chance of lowering their high blood sugar faster than who never would but just depending on medicines and awareness on their food intakes.
By lowering fast your high sugar level, medicine maintenance would be lessening to none.
Another thing to be considered in lowering high sugar level is healthy diet. All forms of diabetes could be managed well if you have a right food intake. And the expert of this is your Nutritionist. Remember that we get our sugar (glucose) from all food we eat.
Believe it or not, sugar (table sugar) could not raise our blood sugar level and it is not forbidden to those people who are not diabetic. It is only strictly forbidden to those people who are already diabetic. What's usually the reason blood sugar level to rise up from normal level is the excessive intake of calories. (Normal level - 90mg to 110mg)
Glucose and calories are taken from our daily food intake - fatty foods, starchy, carbohydrates, white bread and most especially on fast food chain foods. On this way, diabetic people should already be conscious on their diet. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and complete grain.
This is one thing to be considered if you are concerned of your high sugar level.
Taking prescribed medicines for diabetes is a thing to do. But the crucial stage in lowering high sugar level is the exercises and the switching of diet lifestyle - from unhealthy to healthy lifestyle. This needs self discipline, patience and of course determination. Missing one of these three would be the reason of any (diabetic) person's failure to achieve its purpose. The purpose is to lower high sugar level. This is the goal of those people who are diabetic and to all who have health problem with complications to enjoy life in spite having this kind of disease called Diabetes.
Remember always:
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