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Holidays: The Definition of Abundance
One of those has been author and parent educator Steven Glynn.
He came to Tallahassee in the early 80's when he was first starting out, and I was glad to learn much from him in that training.
One of the many things that has stuck with me is Steven Glynn's definition of abundance.
According to Glynn:
"In terms of the world, you have abundance if, when you get up in the morning, you have a choice of what to eat, a choice of what to wear, and job to go to, and a way to get there.That quote certainly puts all of our striving for more and our discontent into perspective, now doesn't it? My guess is that everyone reading this article has a choice of what to eat, what to wear, a job to go to and a way to get there.
If you don't have a job right now, you have a way to get one.
I also guess that within five miles of where you are, you could find those that do not have these things.
This definition of abundance, when kept in mind, can lead to only one perspective on the world: gratitude.
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