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Maintenance of an Intex 15x36 Pool
- Each day you should test your Intex pool's water so the pH and chlorine levels remain within the proper range. A pH that is below the 7.2 mark can cause the water to be uncomfortable for swimming and harmful to pool equipment. A high pH, above 7.8, will cause scale buildup to appear on pool surfaces. Low chlorine allows the growth of bacteria and algae in the water, while a high chlorine level is extremely irritating to swimmers. Place a pool cover over the water when the pool is not in use, and skim the water to remove leaves, plant matter and insects before swimming. Keep the free chlorine count between 1 and 3 parts per million.
- Each week, scrub the walls and floor of the pool while the filter is running, and allow the solid material to fall to the bottom. Vacuum this material to remove it from the pool. Ensure that the filter is in proper working condition. For a cartridge filter, remove the filter and rinse with a hose. Packaged chlorine contains cyanuric acid that bonds to chlorine to stabilize it in water. Check the chlorine level weekly and keep it between 30 and 50 parts per million (ppm). If your pool has a saltwater generator, check the salinity every week to two weeks to keep it between 2,500 and 3,500 ppm.
- Intex pools are vulnerable to liner damage from ice and snow. You should take down your Intex pool, regardless of its size, for the winter if your area drops below 40 degrees F. To take the pool down, first brush the pool thoroughly and vacuum the debris. Stop putting chemicals in the pool about one week before draining it to achieve a zero chlorine level. Drain the water, remove the flexible hoses from the outside of the pool and drain the pump. Allow the liner to dry fully, and dismantle the framework working backward from the assembly instructions.
- If weather permits, keeping your pool up year-round is similar to winterizing a permanent aboveground pool. You'll need to drain the filter and remove the hoses. Balance the water and add the chemicals in a winterizing kit, which is available from a pool supplier. Cover the pool and place an air pillow in the center under the cover to allow rain and debris to drop off without collecting in the center.
- Open the pool by removing the cover and reattaching the filter and hoses. Test the water and balance the chemicals before swimming. If you took the pool down for winter, use the same instructions to put it back up as you did to install it.
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