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How to Lower Blood Pressure Without Cardio
In this article, I'll tell you some ways you can lower your b.
without this type of exercise.
Can't Do Or Won't Do? Before I start, I just want to say that if you can do cardio but simply prefer not to then I strongly suggest you change your mind.
You need not become an Olympian athlete to benefit from cardio.
Even walking for 20 minutes a day will considerably improve your cardiovascular fitness if you are not doing anything presently.
That's all I wanted to say, let's move on to the other methods of lowering blood pressure! Drugs As you know about cardio, I presume that you also know about blood pressure drugs and how common and debilitating the side effects are? My advice is to stay well away from them unless you have extremely high blood pressure that must be controlled immediately.
Supplements There are some great supplements that you can take that will lower your b.
For example, garlic supplements will lower your b.
, raise your good cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol.
Diet I recommend making some small changes to your diet.
You don't need to go "on a diet", you need only make minor amendments.
For example, swap your table salt for "lo-salt".
This is a natural, potassium based salt substitute.
Your b.
will get a double whammy benefit from using this because you will be reducing sodium and increasing potassium at the same time.
Get Rid Of Stress Stress really is a killer.
It has been linked to many conditions but probably the strongest proven relationship is between stress and high b.
Doctors can directly link this to the long term effects of stress hormones that are not broken down by the body.
I strongly advise doing what you can to get rid of stress in your life.
Sometimes this means that you should not necessarily avoid the trigger but also look at how you, individually, cope with stressful events compared to other people.
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