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Currency Used in Bali
- Current information on the exchange rate can be found on the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia's website. Just click on the graph of the USD/IDR and you will be taken to a screen to see the exchange rates for a number of currencies. As of July 27, 2009, the exchange rate was $1 equals Rp 10,028 and 1 euro equals Rp 14,251.79.
- The denominations of coins available are Rp 1, Rp 25, Rp 50, Rp 100, Rp 200, Rp 500 and Rp 1,000. The smaller coins are seldom used because of their small worth.
- The denominations of bank notes available are Rp 1,000, Rp 2,000, Rp 5,000, Rp10,000, Rp 20,000, Rp 50,000 and Rp 100,000. The RP 2,000 banknote was issued on July 9, 2009.
- An easy place to exchange money is at the money changer at the airport. You can also withdraw money through an ATM. You can exchange money at banks, but there is normally a line. Money changers elsewhere may or may not be safe.
- Visa, MasterCard, Citibank and Diners Club are widely accepted in Bali. There may be a surcharge by both your credit card company and from storekeepers for using a credit card. American Express is not widely accepted in Bali.
- Traveler's checks are accepted at money changers, banks and in the tourist areas, but normally at a lower exchange rate than cash.
Exchange Rate
Where to Change Money
Credit Cards
Traveler's Checks
Source: ...