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How Effective Is Direct Response Advertising For Your Home Business?
As a home business owner, you don't have that type of money to sink when using direct response either in TV infomercials or Google AdWords.
I want to impress upon your mind that the next level of successful marketing is in building relationship with every prospects that come your way.
For instance, let's say you are using PPC and you want to get people to buy your products.
If you take the buyer straight to your products sales page, you will not only make little, you will also spend a lot of money in PPC fees.
However, if you had instead, sent the prospects to a page where he can get a free report on your market that will give him all the information about the products he is looking for, you will succeed in getting nearly 40% - 50% of all your website visitors to download this e-book.
Once the e-book is downloaded, you can follow up with this prospects by sending him only relevant information in that market and products.
Once your reader sees that you offer value and you treat him as a person, and not like an electronic email, he will respect you for that, and will respond to buying your products when you make them available.
If you ask me, I think the future of marketing anything online and offline is going to be through this avenue.
Build a list and relationship in a market and sell it to those who trust your recommendations.
This work better than direct response advertising.
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