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Varieties of Fast-Growing Ground Cover
- Fast-growing ground cover can brighten up the landscape.Periwinkle image by Menillo from
Ground-cover plants aren't just foliage, a wide variety of flowering ground cover is available that can enhance the landscape with brightly colored or unusual flowers. Ground cover can be planted in troublesome areas of the landscape, such as under trees, in shady spots or as edging along the borders of flower beds. These plants are fast-growing and dense, which prevents weeds from growing in the yard. - New growth during April and May brings a mixture of dark- and light-green, glossy foliage. When the new growth is complete, small 1-inch pinwheel-shaped white flowers bloom. Their sweet, jasmine-like scent fills the air. Fast-growing confederate jasmine is an evergreen vine that grows in almost any type of soil, as long as it's well-drained. Reaching 1-1/2 to 2 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide, it needs regular watering whether in full sun or partial shade. It's drought-tolerant when established in the landscape. Prune this ground cover to keep it from climbing trees, walls or fences, if desired.
- The woody stems of common periwinkle grow quickly over the ground covering an area up to 3 feet wide. The light-green foliage is evergreen, reaching a height of 6 inches. In spring, the ground cover blooms in a profusion of violet-blue, burgundy, blue-purple, white or purple flowers. Each flower has a star outlined in white in the center. The plant isn't picky about the type of soil it grows in and thrives in full or partial shade. Plant it in full sun if you want the largest amount of blooms. It can grow faster than normal if the soil is kept moist with regular watering. Common periwinkle needs to be pruned at least once a year or more often to keep it from spreading into areas it's not wanted.
- Japanese pachysandra, also called Japanese spurge, is a 4- to 10-inch tall, dense evergreen perennial. The most noticeable feature of the ground cover is the clusters of stiff, leathery, dark-green leaves. Late March to early April, the plant blooms with a few unusual light-green to green-yellow flower spikes that measure 1 to 2 inches long. White, sweetly fragrant, V-shaped flowers with brown tips stick out of the spike and last about a month. Give Japanese spurge moist soil rich in organic matter in a partially or densely shaded area. Too much sun can cause the foliage to become yellow-green.
- The flowers of crown vetch can make an impact when it blooms during the summer and autumn. At the tips of slender 6-inch long stems, clusters of small, oblong light-pink and white or dark-pink and white flowers appear. Each cluster can have up to 25 flowers. The green, feathery, fern-like foliage makes a nice contrast to the colorful flowers. This dense herbaceous perennial can reach a height of 2 to 3 feet and quickly cover an area of 15 square feet or more. It prefers full sun and moist soil with regular watering, but can tolerate drought.
Confederate Jasmine
Common Periwinkle
Japanese Pachysandra
Crown Vetch
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