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Tips for Air Travel With a Toddler
Air Travel with toddlers can be a low stress experience.
Here are some tips.
Take time to talk with your toddler about air travel and be honest about what it is like.
They may not comprehend everything but at least they know that it will be a different experience - something new.
Best flight Types.
Look for the shortest travel times.
Direct flights are usually best.
Also, look for the newer planes as they have more comfortable "air-pressure" systems.
Best Times to Fly with Toddlers Most toddlers have an established sleeping pattern.
Try to find flights that allow them to sleep for much of the time.
IT will also make less work for you.
Selection of Seats Most airlines will try to place passengers with toddlers near the bulkhead where there are change tables.
Often if the plane is not full, the airline staff will find a row of unoccupied seats for those traveling with toddlers.
There are backpacks available that convert to toddler seats - they make a great "booster seat" if there is spare space on the airplane.
At the airport Explain to your toddler about the waiting.
Give them a small roll-on bag and make it their responsibility.
However, be ready with distractions and other forms of entertainment to keep them happy.
Many a parent tries to "wear out" the child before boarding so that they "sleep better".
Do that if it works! In the airplane There is no right or wrong way here for every toddler.
You know your toddler best and here are a few general tips.
Break the time into short, say 15 minute sections.
So on a three-hour flight you need 12 activities to occupy your child's mind.
Search the internet for ideas before you travel and ask friends who have travelled with toddlers.
Check with the airline if they give activities or books for toddlers.
Here are some 15 minute activities: Listen to music (with headphones) Watch a movie (with headphones) A new toy A new book An airline provided activity A colouring in book with coloured pencils (NO ink based pens!) Some sticky tape.
Roll up into a circle with the sticky side out - put on nose, finger, anywhere Electronic game Chiles game on airline entertainment system (usually many of these) A favourite book Eating and drinking Etc.
Dealing with the Pressure (ears) Explain well before hand about this challenge Have some chewy food handy or their favourite drink (may need to buy on plane) Plan all travel with your toddlers well.
Research and talk to regular travellers.
Don't be daunted by the experience, as it seems that eventually almost all toddlers turn into happy travellers.
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