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How to Choose a Healthy Hedgehog
Hedgehogs do not like to share a cage.
Choosing a healthy hedgehog is not very difficult.
Unless this is your first pet, you will probably recognize any obvious signs of illness in most animals.
However, the following tips may help first timers and others when it is time to pick a hedgie as your pet.
First, look in the eyes of your choice hedgehog.
Are they clear? Does she appear to be alert and aware of her surroundings? If so, then you have a good start at choosing a healthy hedgehog.
If her eyes are sunken, swollen or have crust around them, consider picking another potential friend.
Second, check his fur and quills for cleanliness.
If you purchase your hedgehog from a pet store, he may not be totally clean.
Be wary of choosing one that is generally filthy all over or shows signs of a problem with diarrhea.
Third, look for any scabs or injuries on your pet of choice.
If you notice any make sure they are healing.
The seller should also be able to tell you how the injury occurred and the treatment given.
If not, be sure this is the one for you before taking her home.
Fourth, look beyond her fur and quills and check out her skin.
Is it dry? Crusty? This may indicate a problem with mites.
Ask if she has been treated by a vet for mites or fleas.
Mites and fleas can easily be treated, but make sure you ask the seller for the health history of your hedgehog.
Lastly, check out his weight, feet and alertness.
Hedgehogs should not be too fat to roll into a ball or too thin that makes her sides look sunken.
She should be alert and responsive to show no signs of being lethargic.
Her nails should be trimmed.
If they begin to curl under, they are too long.
Ask the seller to show you how to trim them before taking her home.
If you follow these simple tips you and your hedgehog should have many happy days together.
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