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Chronic Vaginosis Sufferers - Is it Ok For You to Ignore and Leave BV Untreated?
In fact in some women this infection does go away on its own.
In case you happen to be one such lucky woman well and good.
If not, is it essential to undergo bacterial vaginosis treatment? Any chronic infection can pose serious health risks at later stage which can easily be avoided by taking swift treatment in the initial stages itself.
In case of chronic vaginosis too, women run the risk of getting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), if it gets time to work its way through the vagina and the cervix and into the uterus.
PID can lead to fertility problems.
When you suffer from recurring vaginosis you are at a greater risk of contacting other STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV.
It can also cause discomfort during sex which can lead to high anxiety and low self esteem.
Pregnant women suffering from vaginosis run the risk of encountering problems like early labor and low birth weight for their baby.
Hence if you are aware that you are suffering from chronic vaginosis before you become pregnant, please inform your gynecologist in the beginning itself.
It is fairly simple to identify this bacterial infection.
Bacterial vaginosis treatment options are also plenty ranging from antibiotics to natural cures.
Therefore it is best to get this problem treated for good rather than putting up with its undesirable symptoms.
In the current digital age you can also identify help online for complete BV cure.
You can participate in health forums to find out what other women in your condition are resorting to treat their chronic vaginosis.
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